Social Signal Processing, The International Association for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Allied Professions








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Deadline for abstract submissions is  29th February 2012


Abstract submission
The Scientific Committee invites you to submit one or more abstracts for oral communications or poster presentations.

The abstract submission must be in English.

You will have to fill the online form with the following items :

-  Title of your abstract

-  Your preferred choice of presentation (The Scientific Committee will make the final decision regarding the presentation of your abstract)

-  The topic

-  The authors and their affiliations

-  The description of your abstract. The length of your abstract is 150 words.

-  The Conflict of interest disclosure for each author.


Submission of a pdf file at: sspiacapap2012[@]  


Review and selection of your abstracts
Each submitted abstract will be reviewed and scored by a panel of experts in the topic. After the review, the Scientific Committee will select the best abstracts for either oral communication or poster presentation.

You will be informed by e-mail about the decision of the Scientific Committee whether your abstract has been selected or not.

If your abstract has been selected, you will have to register to the congress